Jordan is the first country in the Arab world to invest in Iraq. As the value of Iraqi investments in it more than 15 billion dollars.
Both Jordan and Iraq plan to revive their trade and investment ties based on deep ties between the two countries and establish an economic bloc that serves their common interests.
The first commercial corridor to be relied upon by Jordan is the port of Tarbil border with Iraq to restore the trade momentum between the two countries, which witnessed a marked decline in recent years impact on the Kingdom’s exports.
Despite the deterioration of trade between the two countries, Jordan hosts Iraqi investments estimated at 15 billion dollars covering the sectors of tourism, hotels, aviation, food industries, real estate and banks.
The Iraqi Embassy in Jordan, for his part, stressed that there are discussions and moves with the Jordanian side to establish a joint economic bloc that benefits the two parties.
“Jordan and Iraq have always had strategic depth, support and support for each other. The relations between Jordan and Iraq are strategic, as well as brotherly relations and historical cooperation based on mutual respect,” said Hamdi Tabba, president of the Jordanian Businessmen Association. A clear example of Arab cooperation and a basis for Arab economic integration.
The head of the Jordan Investment Authority, Thawat Al-Ur, stressed to the «Journal News» the need to strengthen and strengthen channels of communication with all economic activities in Iraq brother, noting that the Iraqi investment is highly appreciated at all levels, and deal with investors in Jordan as strategic partners to establish fruitful partnerships Contribute to sustainable economic development that benefits both countries.
He pointed out that the Kingdom has completed all the constitutional procedures to ratify the agreement to promote and protect investment with Iraq, which will contribute to the advancement of economic and investment development between the two countries.
Jordanian exports to Iraq began to decline significantly, as national exports decreased from 900 million dinars in 2014 to 450 million dinars in 2015, and continued to decline to 300 million dinars last year. The main reason for this decline was due to the continued closure of the border crossing of Trebil between the two countries . And the reopening of the crossing for several months will increase the volume of trade exchange between the two countries.
Economists believe there should be a mechanism to diversify in the form and volume of trade with neighboring countries, especially in order to raise the level of economic threat in Iraq. Taking into account the handling of all files of financial corruption held by the Iraqi government.


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